Prayers for My Children

Prayers for My Children by Leslie Ann Jones

Can we just take a minute and talk about how hard parenting is? We've had a rough couple of days with this one. There have been lots of tears, hurt feelings, broken rules, raised voices, and just plain grouchiness.

It has not been fun.

It's been the opposite of fun.

But tonight, after we tucked the girls in bed, I spent a few extra minutes with this one. We talked about sin and forgiveness and grace and repentance. And we talked about how our love for her is limitless, but how there are still consequences for behavior. 
And then I prayed for her.

I prayed for grace and mercy and forgiveness. I prayed that the Lord would lead her and guide her and help her to be the person that he wants her to be. I thanked him for her tender heart. For her silly laugh. For her sweet spirit. For her artist's soul. And I asked Him to be with her. To show her the way. And to make her His very own.

It's so hard to see the seeds of sin flourishing in her little heart. As a mom who's just a tad-bit overprotective, I want to march right in and rip it out, but nothing I do can save her from it. I can't fix it for her. Only God can. She is a sinner in need of grace. We all are. But seeing it in your child?? So, so hard.

Until next time, grace and peace.